I would but… I should but… I wish I could… I was going to…. We’ve all had moments where we allowed our fears to stop us right in our tracks. Sometimes the fear is valid but most of the time it was the lack of confidence in our own abilities. What if I fail? What would...

Will You Stand UP?

I have always used words to paint a picture of what goes on in my head; however, difficult and controversial topics tend to cause my words to swell up in my throat and leave me gasping for air. After years of sitting quiet, I intentionally strive to make my voice...

How I Survived Online Dating

As a coach, I am a stickler about facing your fears.  I, also, insist that once you identify an area in your life that causes you to pause; take that pause and access what’s interrupting your seemingly “perfect” life. WELL – I’m not exempt from that and I will be the...

My Perfection is FLAWED!

Some days, I have it all together! Some days, I make it LOOK like I have it all together. But every now and then I have days where everything in me screams in total rage, making me want to throw in the towel and say, “to HELL with everything!”  Sound...
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