I would but… I should but… I wish I could… I was going to….

We’ve all had moments where we allowed our fears to stop us right in our tracks. Sometimes the fear is valid but most of the time it was the lack of confidence in our own abilities.

What if I fail? What would people say? How will I come back from it? It’s too hard! I don’t know what to do! What will it look like? Here we are focusing on the “YOU” instead of what is to be accomplished. Fear always points back to you!

Did you know every time you second guess yourself, you allow self-doubt to grow? Change can be scary; but it can also be empowering!

When was the last time you just JUMPED! I mean decided and went for it. If you are honest with yourself it was probably one of the BEST decisions, you ever made. OKAY, I’ll speak for myself. The times when I did not allow my analytic mind to overanalyze the outcome and just did it; not only was it successful but I gained self-confidence, self-trust and self-respect. At the end, I realized there was NOTHING to fear but fear itself! I was allowing my fear, well more the lack of belief in myself and my abilities, to keep me from doing the things I really wanted to do.

I allowed hidden insecurities to keep me away from what I had been praying for. I allowed what wasn’t even in front of me and honestly, what was behind me; to keep me from living the life I desired. The life I craved. The life I deserved!

Don’t get it twisted! I fight fear EVERY DAY! As a survivor of abuse and trauma, it’s a natural response to be extra careful. I mean we lived that life. It was a norm. We were conditioned, groomed and manipulated into living a life of fear and discontentment. We learned to settle. We learned to not rock the boat. We learned to take baby steps or none at all. Don’t move to fast and don’t move without thinking it all the way through. I could cost you!

We were taught our thoughts were invaluable and lacked the ability of fulfillment. We were constantly questioned about every decision and every thought. We began to believe the lies that were told to us. When we did think, there was so much disbelief and anxiety that it caused physical pain. For years I suffered from migraines and backpain only to realize it was stress associated with my lifestyle.

The anxiety associated with that lifestyle began to affect everything in my life; work, friendships, relationships, family, faith, health. I began having problems sleeping. My binging and food addiction took over my life. I isolated myself. I gave up. I knew I would never do anything to hurt myself; but if I didn’t wake up, that would be okay too. I hit rock bottom.


I got tired of being tired of being tired and decided a change had to occur. But how? My self-esteem was so low. I didn’t trust myself to make any decision. I had no idea what life was supposed to look like. I didn’t know what healthy was because I had never experienced it. Dysfunction was a norm and I ate it every day! How do you go from living on life support to thriving?

Here’s how...

Acknowledge were you are. Decide what you want it to look like. Your image! NOT the image you see on television, read about on social media or in some fiction book or novel. Create your own picture. It doesn’t have to be perfect…when has life ever been perfect? The idea is to make today better than yesterday and make tomorrow better than today. Give yourself permission to try. Give yourself permission to dream. Give yourself permission to live. Surround yourself with people that push you out of your comfort zone and will hold your hand when you are afraid.

Self-love is the one investment you are a guaranteed a return on. I believe in you and will continue to believe in you until you can believe in yourself.

Until Next Time,

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