I knew after the encounter with First Lady, my life would never be the same. It appeared everything I had covered up and ignored was coming back like flashing lights on the darkest night!

I had to make a plan. I could not continue to live like that. But I so afraid! I was scarier than a hooker who just stole money from her pimp! (Don’t ask me why that is the image I decided to give you, but I think you get the picture).

I made a plan and solicited the help of a really good support group to help me stick to it. I knew my life depended on it. Because I was displaying confidence and self-awareness, the toxic behaviors stopped being so subtle. I had to implement the plan and leave!

I will not lie to you it took over a year for me to develop the courage to leave. It took over a year for me to stop beating myself up for leaving. It took another year for me realize I deserved to leave.
So now I work with women to help them build the confidence, provide support and strategy not just to leave an abusive relationship but to create a life they love and stop tolerating a life that was dropped in their lap.

My plan started with realizing my self-worth! Taking a break from the constant belittling and mistreatment. Deciding that I had to do something.

Here’s the part I left out – I couldn’t do it for me! But when I saw the toxic behaviors spurring from my child, I knew I had to do something!

The course that I am releasing is designed to help women ESTABLISH HER! Her is the little girl inside of each of us that has been abandoned by someone -usually US! Because she does not have anyone she can trust to help her when scared, she rebels and reminds us of all the bad things we’ve ever done in life. She causes us to question ever decision we make. She keeps us in our comfort zone because at least she knows what to expect while there.

Your HER may not be running from a toxic marriage but where has she been abandoned? Was it an absentee father? Was it an uncle that molested you? What is a boyfriend that promised to never leave you? Was it a friend that lied on you? Was it a boss that promised the next promotion was yours? Was it a mother that never had time for you? Was it a bully on the playground? What is she running from?

I hope you will join me in this course as I walk you through the plan I personally used to build my confidence and rebuild my life. If you are not ready to do the work and you believe you can continue to turn back on the pain you are feeling, then I’ll say bye right here! But if you know you need some guidance to move forward, I will see you in the course!

Until Next Time,

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