I would but… I should but… I wish I could… I was going to…. We’ve all had moments where we allowed our fears to stop us right in our tracks. Sometimes the fear is valid but most of the time it was the lack of confidence in our own abilities. What if I fail? What would...

Who Do You Desire To Be?

Everyone has a desire to be a better version of themselves. However, many of us are stuck in denial. We may miss opportunities in our lives to be better because we don’t want to admit there are areas where we are falling short. Each week I send out a motivational...

Who Do You Depend On?

There are multitude opinions concerning self-reliance. The two I hear the most is everyone SHOULD be self-reliant; relying predominantly on your own powers and resources rather than those of others. The next one is you NEED others to become the person you were created...

The Key to Success

Ever wondered why some people are successful and others aren’t? First why are we so worried about what others do? Because we are HUMAN, don’t let no body fool you. We have those moments! However, if you focus on what others do for too long; you could become depressed...
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