Independence is MORE than Fireworks!

I’m an independent woman! Did you look at that statement and get an attitude? Did your eye twitch a little? Did you immediately think “who does she think she is”? Most people will see a bold statement like that as arrogant, even cocky! But truth be told, if more women...

The Audacity!!

You mean you have the AUDACITY to think you can do that? YES I DO!! Growing up when someone would say “you have the ‘audacity’, I would cringe. I thought who was I to think it was okay? Who was I to go against the grain? Who was I to challenge the norm? Who did I...

6 Ways to Become ENOUGH!

There are times I struggle with feeling of NOT being ENOUGH! During these times, I tell myself I’m not doing enough. I’m not pretty enough. I’m not small enough. I’m not smart enough. That I should be further along in my journey. I think about how I wanted things to...

Will You Stand UP?

I have always used words to paint a picture of what goes on in my head; however, difficult and controversial topics tend to cause my words to swell up in my throat and leave me gasping for air. After years of sitting quiet, I intentionally strive to make my voice...

More Than A Word

Everyone is adamant that 2020 will be “THEIR YEAR”! But what the heck does that even mean? Let’s be real didn’t we say that last year? Yes shade thrown!! We were determined NOT to have another year like the year before. Determine to make the changes that we’ve been...
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