You mean you have the AUDACITY to think you can do that? YES I DO!!

Growing up when someone would say “you have the ‘audacity’, I would cringe. I thought who was I to think it was okay? Who was I to go against the grain? Who was I to challenge the norm? Who did I think I was? NOW, as I grow, mature and heal; I realize having audacity is a GREAT thing!

As you look back over decisions you’ve made in your life, take time to evaluate them. Did you change the way you did things out of fear of how you would be seen or judged? As I lay this ‘brick’, please use it to build your AUDACITY muscle.

It’s important for you to establish a new mindset. For years you’ve been putting others before you, trying to accommodate their needs even feeling guilty when you didn’t measure up to their expectations. But what about your expectations? Don’t you matter? Don’t your desires and dreams matter? Shouldn’t you become a priority at least some of the time in your own life?

Here are three things to consider when building your ‘audacity muscle’:

  1. Let go of what was. You are no longer the little girl who had to do what she was instructed. You are no longer the teenager who felt the need to fit in with the crowd.  You are no longer the scared woman afraid of how she will be viewed. You no longer have to live up to the expectations of others. You are a grown woman!

Let go of the need to identify yourself with who you were and embrace who you are becoming. ‘But I don’t want to stand out! WHY?’ You were NOT created to be mediocre. You were NOT created to look or act like everyone else. You were NOT created to just exist. You WERE created to be uniquely who you are. Embrace that.

Let go of the constant need to compare yourself to others. I’ve said it before and will say it again, NO ONE brags about their failures! In fact, no one EVER brags about their failures. They may post their mishaps but NEVER their failures. Read that again!

  1. Visualize NEWNESS! This year 2020 has made us all a little gun-shy about looking to far into the future; however, if you don’t visualize a different you, a new you, you will continue to revisit the past thinking that’s all you have. If you dream small you will be stuck with small dreams!

Do you find yourself limiting the people you hang around because you feel you just don’t measure up? Girlfriend! Your friends should challenge you and your dreams should scare you a little bit.  If your dreams don’t make you pee on yourself a little, they aren’t big enough. DREAM BIGGER! Have the audacity! Then don’t stop until you achieve them!

  1. Make EVERYDAY matter. Did you have a routine prior to COVID-19? Dig it back out or create another one. Every successful person has a routine. Every unsuccessful person has a routine. You see where I’m going with that? Routines decide your tomorrow! If you don’t like the way today looks, change your routine into something that will push you into a better person.

Your entire life can be unrecognizable in 30 days just by changing your routine! Don’t believe me? Did you gain some #coronaweight? I bet you did! Why? Because you changed your routine! You weren’t moving as much as before. You weren’t eating as clean as before. You became laxed. And your body adjusted to the new behavior.

Get rid of time wasters, eliminate dream-killers! YES, these can be people! Remember you are the CEO of your life. You can decide who sits on your Board of Directors and who needs to be eliminated. Some of us have doubt, shame, guilt, and confusion as members of our BOD and wonder why our business (lives) aren’t growing! Get rid of the dream killers immediately!

According to Webster, AUDACITY is a willingness to take bold risk. I’ve taken it a little further, AUDACITY is an unhindered determination to do what you were told you couldn’t do. Even when it was YOU telling you!  So, the next time someone says “you have the audacity to think you can do that?” Simply reply, “YES, I DO!” and move on!

I hope this brick helps you continue to create the life you love and stop just tolerating the life you were given.

Until Next Time,

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