One BRICK at a Time!

Character is built from the habitual

bricks we lay everyday

MY Golden Ticket

What did I just do? Did I just say NO to what some would call “a chance of a lifetime”? Could I have just turned down my “golden ticket”? Maybe but I don’t think so! At least I hope NOT! I was approached with a great opportunity! It could have easily been “THE ONE”!...

5 Steps to A Happier YOU

Everyone wants to be HAPPY! But what does that really mean? For the longest time, I thought if everyone around me was happy, I would be happy! Girl, that turned out to be the biggest lie of my life – well at least one of them!   Truth is just because you are happy,...

Learning to STOP!

I started this blog so many times and deleted it because y'all have this grand expectation of me to do the spectacular, never bend and definitely never break. Or at least that's what I think. But let me tell you this has been a year of bending, demolishing and...

The “F” Word

Not forgiving is like drinking poison expecting the other person to die – (quoted by many) There was a time I had a really hard time dealing with offenses. If someone did something to me, not only did I make it personal, but I dwelled on it. I sat in the pain and...

Advocacy and Memories!

A night with a sexual or physical assault victim can take an advocate or survivor down a very dark path if they aren’t careful. But it can also be a gentle reminder of their own strength and help them fight another day. It may give them courage to speak truth despite...

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