Fail Is NOT Failure!

About last night…. Isn’t that how they start off when they want to bring drama and excitement to their story? Well, I can honestly say last night was AMAZING! I spoke at this event called FailFest! It’s an opportunity for people in the nonprofit sector to share some...

4 Tips to Survive the Holidays!

Most people get excited around the holidays. The time with family, shopping, eating, music, festivities, parties. You name it they like it ALL! But not everyone! For many the holiday seasons bring up memories of heartbreak, disappointment and loss. If you are reading...

It’s Working Together For Your Good!

Nobody could have told me ten years ago, when I was sitting on the floor of my bedroom crying my eyes out that one day I would look back and declare it one of the best days of my life. NO ONE could have told me that! Yet here I am thanking God that “He worked it out...
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