God, Do You Hear Me?

You ever had those days where it seems you just can’t hear from God. You’ve prayed, you’ve fasted and then prayed some more. But nothing…. You want to say “Hey, is this mic on?” Let me help you, my dear, God heard you! He heard you the first time, he heard you the...

Bitter-Sweet Moments

Today is… To some it merely means a day off work. To some it means an extra day to go shopping and prepare for Easter Sunday. But for those that understand what happened on that Friday, this is a bitter-sweet day. On this day, they put nails in my savior’s...

Are You Overwhelmed?

I can’t take anymore!               I have too much to do!                 I will never finish! I’m tired! I must be crazy or something to have thought I could do this! I can’t be everything for everyone! I wish I had some help! I can’t do everything! I’m doing the...

10 Characteristics of a Strong Woman

As women we are quick to say “I’m a Strong Woman” yet we live lives that do NOT show strength at all. Below is a list of characteristics of a strong woman.   10 Characteristics of a Strong Woman She knows what she wants. A strong woman lives with...

Are You Willing???

Ever had those moments where you ask “what good can come out of this”? We’ve all heard the scripture “all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to His purpose.” (Romans 8:28) But what good can truly come of lying,...

Are You Running On Empty?

The other day I stopped by the gas station to fill up my tank.  As one of those people that despise inconveniences; someone who is extremely bothered when things don’t go “smooth”; and someone who hates not being in control of her surroundings (sshh – it’s one of the...
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