How is “This” for My Good?

I can usually find comfort in the Word of God. But the other day a friend sent me the scripture Romans 8:28 – “for we know all things work together for the good of those who love God and are called for according to His purpose”. My first thought was thank you because...

Many Didn’t Make it….

If you were raised in church or around an older person, you have most likely heard the saying “many didn’t make it but I was one of the ones that did”. Many times, it was said during testimonial service followed with how God had delivered them from...

God is in the STORM!!

Although very transparent in some areas, I am very private in others. I don’t share things that hurt me because I’ve been taught that people use your weaknesses against you. I’ve also been taught never let them see you sweat and definitely don’t let them see you cry....
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