Last week we turned back our clocks and although we gained an hour, with all the uncertainties of 2020 it got lost in the shuffle. I don’t know about you, but I have not seen the benefit in gaining that hour. In fact. I feel like I lost several months. OH WAIT! That may have something to do with the Pandemic!

We could sit and think of all the things we’ve lost or missed out on this year. Like is it just me or did it seem like summer didn’t happen? Anyway, we could sit and pout or complain but it will not bring back time. So, what do we do? We put time into what we have before us. We focus on the NOW. We do things that make us happy. We live in the moment. We don’t look at was and we don’t look too far ahead. We enjoy our loved ones and celebrate where we are. It may seem as if time stood still but, TIME WAITS FOR NO ONE!

Sometimes when interacting with clients, I’m reminded of how life seems to drag while your mind goes a million miles a minute. I remember while navigating through my own turbulence, I felt as if I couldn’t make sense of what was going on. I found myself confused, uneasy and extremely disorganized. Does that sound familiar? Is that where you are? Can you relate?

It wasn’t until I stopped focusing on what was and fearing what was to come, that i was I able to slow my brain down long enough to embrace where I was. I had to admit the space I was in, was not pretty but it wasn’t as scary as I had allowed myself to believe.

Most of these bricks are geared to women who are triumphing out of an abusive or toxic relationship. This does not altogether mean a romantic relationship. It can be friends, family, work, community – it can even be the relationship you have with yourself. YES, you can be the toxic contributor and need to figure out how to stop. When we are in turbulence life seems uncertain. Each move we make while in a state of turbulence tends to cause more dysfunction. We must be intentional and deliberate with our actions.

But remember time waits for NO ONE! So how do you slow things down? How do you get off the turbo ride? How do you identify the toxicity in your life? How do you get to that place where you can live in the moment? Sounds simple and difficult at the same time but basically YOU STOP! You take a deep breath and stop! You assess your surroundings, give yourself a moment to exhale and decide what you want to do next. You are not required to make any rash decisions. But you are required to decide what your NEXT will look like.

What do you want? What would you like your life to look like? What is standing the way? Who is standing in the way? If we are honest, most of the time WE are the only one standing in the way. We allow fear and uncertainty to keep us from going after the things we truly desire and then we battle the thoughts of regret. It’s time to stop allowing time to control you and begin to enjoy the time you have.

What do you need to focus on this week that will allow you to live in the moment? What have you been putting off because you don’t have a plan? What are you afraid of? The answers to these questions, will give you the blueprint you need to not only gain an hour but regain your life.

I can’t wait to see what you decide is holding back and how you will stop, breath, exhale and move forward. Leave a comment below so I can celebrate your new discovery.

Until Next Time,

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