It’s Your Choice!!!

Have you ever wanted something so bad that you were willing to do anything to get it? You sought help from others to get it.  You prayed about it. You fasted about it. When that didn’t work you whined about it. Then you complained about not having it. You get the...

Something Good Must Come From This…

Do you remember the Arsenio Hall Show? I loved the “things that make you go hmmm” segment.  This week has been one of those weeks for our nation. All the senseless shootings and gas limitations. It makes you wonder what’s going on. You see, I am not one of those super...

Don’t Take It Personal!!

The words that came from your mouth set a fire inside of me. My first response was to lash back and demand that you see me. To demand that you hear me. To stand up for myself. To let you know it would not be tolerated. But soon I realized my words fell on deaf ears...

Afflictions Hurt!!

It is good for me to be afflicted so that I might learn your decrees.  Psalms 119.71 There are many scriptures in the bible that say how we are overcome by different trials in our lives, how trials come to make us stronger, and even that moments of despair can be good...

Fix it Jesus!!!

I’ve always been a “fix-it” type person. So it’s not surprising that I would be in a business where my objective is to help people become the best version of themselves by living their purpose and releasing the strongholds of hurt and pain – you know “fixing stuff”....

You’re INVITED!!!!

Have you ever sent out a RSVP to a person and they didn’t respond? Better yet have you ever received a RSVP and didn’t respond? What was your reason for not responding? Did you intend to but forgot or was it that you had no intention of attending in the first place?...
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