One BRICK at a Time!

Character is built from the habitual

bricks we lay everyday

Are You TOO Bossy?

Aggressive or assertive women are often called “Bossy”! When you speak up for yourself, you can be labeled as mean or even “mad”. But why can’t it be that you have boundaries and standards? I recently facilitated a class “Are You TOO Bossy?” You can join my app to...

Feelings Can Get The Best of YOU!!!

Women are some of the most emotional beings on the planet. We were created like that and we have mastered it! Men do not dwell on emotions. They feel it and move on. Children feel it and move on. But women, nah, we have to sit in it for a while. We feel the feeling....


“Your lack of motivation or limited motivation is NOT because you are doing something wrong!” Yes, that was the statement I had to say out loud and embrace as my current truth. I found myself trying to get motivated to do the things that I loved, yet it was not...

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