The Storm is over but….

Most survivors of Domestic Violence have had years of torment; yet they are expected to mentally resolve that torment just because the relationship ended. Don’t talk about it. The past is the past. Let it go. You are not there anymore – stop revisiting it....

Keep Going!

You are better than what you have been told.  It really don’t matter who told you, you weren’t good enough. Maybe it was words from an abusive partner, an envious friend, a micro-managing boss, a toxic parent, or your own critical thinking. Wherever you heard...

Surviving is NOT Enough!

Do you find yourself thinking about the past or maybe even the future? Does thinking about the future scare you? Do thinking about the past you make you sad? Or maybe when you think about the old you, you think what happened? Where did I go wrong? Why did I do things...

“F” Pain!!! If one more bad thing happens!

No Pain, No Gain!              Struggle is inevitable!                     Embrace the pain! Okay, can we stop normalizing pain? Can we stop making it sound as if we must endure pain to be happy! Can we stop looking for something bad to happen because things are going...
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