You are better than what you have been told.  It really don’t matter who told you, you weren’t good enough. Maybe it was words from an abusive partner, an envious friend, a micro-managing boss, a toxic parent, or your own critical thinking. Wherever you heard those words, realize they were a lie. You ARE good enough. In fact, you are better than enough. You are created with everything you need to be the best version of yourself. You are growing into a better version of you each day and the best is yet to be seen.

The true essence of who you are is developed in the tough moments no one wants to talk about.

  • It comes through the pains and struggles.
  • It comes in the moments that hurt the most.
  • It comes when you want to give up but keep going anyway.
  • It comes when you prioritize your own needs over the wants of others.
  • It comes when you say yes to yourself and no to others.
  • It comes during those long nights when you can’t sleep.
  • It comes from the tears you release in the shower.
  • It comes from persevering even after a failed attempt.
  • It comes when you refuse to allow the version of yourself that you want to be to take the back seat to the person you was.
  • It comes when you are tired and take time to recuperate. (Rest but never quit)
  • It comes when you show up BOLDLY for yourself.

You are enough. You are enough right where you are. You are better than you were told you are. You are making changes that the future you will benefit from. All I need you to do is keep going. All I need you to do is give yourself your best. All I need you to do is love yourself through the process. All I need you to do is show yourself a little grace. All I need you to do is take it one day at a time, one hour at a time – heck, if necessary, take it one minute at a time. But don’t give up on becoming the version of yourself you desire to be.

Until Next Time,

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