We often use the word content and complacent interchangeably but there are some subtle differences between the two. One will have you living a life of gratitude while the other can leave you resentful and unfulfilled. One will have you excited about where you are, while the other can have you constantly comparing yourself to someone else. One will have you living free and carefree while the other will have you bond and imprisoned by your own thoughts.

So often people use the scripture Philippians 4:11 –“I have learned to be content in whatever circumstance I am in”, as permission to accept whatever is given to them and be satisfied with it. BUT this is NOT what this scripture is saying. It reminds us to be content NOT complacent!

This scripture is using the true definition of content, which means to be happy.

I have learned to seek happiness in whatever circumstance I find myself but to not stop until I like what I see and am pleased with where I am.  Being in a state of complacency keeps us stagnant and unfulfilled.  It keeps us desiring more but unwilling to pursue more. It keeps us looking at what we don’t have instead of going after what we want. It propels us to see the cup as half empty instead of finding ways to fill it. We are responsible for our own happiness, yet that happiness will always be outside of our reach if we stay in a place of complacency.

I’ve always been transparent about my battle with depression. But I also withheld a lot of information concerning it out of shame and guilt. It wasn’t until I began to unpack my own baggage that I realized there was healing, personal healing, in telling my story. We ALL have a story, and our story can help another sister jump into her own journey of self-discovery. But we will discuss that in another setting.

Another way of looking at these two words are contentment is a state of being happy while complacency is refusing to work to improve your current situation.

Content is loving the skin you are in but getting up and exercising until you feel good about how you view yourself. Complacency is accepting who you are as you are without any desire to make changes even though you are not happy with what you see in the mirror.

Content is loving the people in your life but being confident enough in who you are to let them live the life they desire without needing to control them. Complacency is pointing out the flaws in others while attempting to hide your own.

  • Are you content or complacent?
  • Are you thriving or just surviving?
  • Are you happy or just living?

NO ONE can truly answer those questions except you. NO ONE knows what keeps you up at night and whether you are doing something to fix the problem. It’s time to stop calling it content when in fact you are complacent.

Until Next Time,

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