Rejection scared me! I wanted to be liked. I wanted to be accepted. I wanted to be loved. In my eyes, rejection equaled failure! That was until I read the quote “Rejection is God’s protection”. It changed my whole life. I no longer saw rejection as a bad thing but more as direction and guidance!

I always thought being rejected was punishment. I thought if I was not accepted, there was something wrong with me. I felt I had not done enough; I had not been enough. What I wanted did not matter. That what they wanted, was more important. That I needed to change how I did things. That I had to change who I was. That I had to be what they wanted me to be. BUT this quote reminded me that God loves me enough to not allow me to have less than I deserved! I hope you catch that!

When you view it from a point of protection and guidance, you realize that what you wanted was less than you deserve. So often we are asking for things that are below what we can have. We are settling. We are living below the standard. Often, we don’t see the potential of what could be or what we could have.

Rejection cannot be taken personal. It will drive you crazy. Ask me how I know!

The thing that seemed to have rejected you was not enough for you. It was NOT what you needed in this season or in the season you are walking into. It may have catered to the person you were then, but it would have never challenged you to become the person you are today.

It’s hard to see rejection as direction or guidance, when we are in the midst of it. But when you begin to change your mindset surrounding NO, you will see it opens the doors for such bigger opportunities and allows you to look at it from a different lens.

I don’t want to come off as someone who does not struggle with being told NO! Girl, it is the last thing I want you to think about me. I HATE BEING TOLD NO! Although I don’t see it as a personal attack anymore, I still see it as someone told me NO. And that little 6-year-old inside of me does not like to be told NO. She is extremely spoiled. But I gently reminder her that we will try again.

BRICK: NO means Next Opportunity! NO means there is something better waiting. NO means I can have better. NO means I haven’t finished growing and what I’m asking for is not going to help me achieve the growth I desire. NO is Never the end!

Apply it: Take a moment and think about something you really wanted but did not get. Now imagine if you had it, what would be different about you? Would you be the person you are now? Would you have been settling? Did you grow from being told NO?

Were the emotions you felt due to the rejection or the thoughts of not getting what you wanted? Most of the time we are more moved by the NO, than not getting what we asked for!

You apply for a job. You do minimal preparation for the interview. The job is NOT your ideal job. It’s NOT the job you want but it will pay your bills, provide you with a sense of accomplishment, and advance your career. It will do for now! Then comes the blow! You get the dreaded “Thank you for applying. We have decided to go with another candidate”. Immediately you feel the sting of rejection. NOT because you really wanted the job, but because you did not get it! Had you got that job, you would have stopped looking for your ideal job. You would have stopped working on your resume. You would have stopped working on your personal development. You would have stopped trying. You would have settled and made yourself content!

Rejections could be the best thing that ever happens to you! Remember mindset is everything! What about this Brick resonated with you the most? I’d love to hear about it

Until next time,

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