Let me tell you about a friend of mine….
She knows there’s more to life but finds it hard to wrap her mind around it because she is so busy being mother, girlfriend/wife, employee, daughter, friend, sister…. She tries to make time for herself but fall short. She’s getting by but she’s tired. She’s overwhelmed and seems no one understands. Everyone keeps telling her “you got this” “keep going, don’t quit”, “it gets easier”. But she just can’t see it and some days giving up seems like the only option until she looks in the eyes of her child and realizes, she can’t give up; at least not now.

Does this sound familiar? Can you relate? Are you tired of giving everything you have yet it seems so unappreciated? You go over and above, but it seems it’s just not enough sometimes. Do you feel if someone asks one more thing of you, you will explode? Does your overwhelmed feeling make you uneasy because you asked for these things, yet they seem more than you can handle? Do your friends rant and rave about how wonderful your life is because you’ve covered up the things that suck with a smile that you painted on with your pretty makeup.

Girl… I’ve been there! I wanted to give up so many times. I wanted to yell “I can’t take this anymore”. I would sit in the shower and cry because it seemed so overwhelming. I felt so alone. I felt no one understood. I would put on a smile, but I felt like everything inside of me was falling apart. I questioned every relationship I ever had and somehow determined I was the reason they weren’t working. I felt I dare not say anything because I didn’t want to sound ungrateful. It had to be a better way but what was it? Where could I find it? Who could I ask? My friends had this image that everything in my life was great, so I couldn’t confide in them. They looked for me for help.

This month’s Bible Challenge will address all those concerns. Don’t worry it’s not that kind of study. You don’t have to be some bible scholar to join in (because I’m not) and I won’t be beating you down with Bible stuff! (I hate when people try to make me believe what they believe). We are all here learning from each other.

Here’s what happens. Here are the scriptures. I will make a weekly blog post about them so make sure to check for it. But also read the scriptures for yourself and see what you get out them (I really want to know). I will give my thoughts about the different verses, you chime in with yours and we have an open dialogue. If you are following me on Facebook you can post your responses there otherwise drop it below!

I don’t have all the answers and the thoughts I leave are just that my thoughts, my opinions. I am in no way pushing you to believe what I believe but I am giving you resources to help you push past this moment in time and see things in a different way. It was willingness to see myself the way God saw me instead of living up to the expectations forced on me by what I thought or what the world thought that allowed me to start liking myself again.

Remember there is no right or wrong – it’s more of a continued effort to become better and to accept that YOU WERE CREATED FOR THIS!!

Until Next Time,


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