Mothers make sacrifices that often go unnoticed and unappreciated. They sacrifice their body, their mind, their emotions, their entire life to nurture another human. And most mothers would do it all over again without regret.

As we prepare for the Mother’s Day weekend, I am reminded of how my little ones would gather in my bed with their Mother’s Day gifts.  Maybe it was a homemade tea bag card that read “You’re tea-riffic” or a little clay statue that I couldn’t quite make out until I got the nerve to just ask what it was, or the flower they picked off the bush in the front yard because they left their gift at school on Friday.  Whatever it was, it was appreciated because it came from my kids.  Oh, the days!!!

As they grew older they began to understand the concept of Mother’s Day and would take over my kitchen and prepare dinner giving me a day off – thank God for their father’s willingness to participant and provide guidance.

Now that my kids are young adults, they call me from their own homes and it’s a little later in the morning. They actually put some thought into the cards they purchase from the store and attach them to gifts off my wish list instead of just randomly buying stuff I’ll never use.  They ask if I’d like them to cook or go out to dinner.  They understand that I have wants and try to accommodate them.  The benefits of having grown thoughtful kids!!!

But this year the shift of having a house full of kids to becoming an empty nester has been quite a challenge. I find myself longing for the days of them gathering in my bed or the little cheesy cards. I’m not so much missing the disfigured clay structure or the withered flowers, but to be able to lay in the bed as someone else took over the responsibilities for the day seems very enjoyable.  I imagine sipping on a cup tea while watching the sun rise out of the ocean as my kids sleep in a room nearby. Now that would be real nice.  Note to self: Make reservations to spend Mother’s Day at the beach next year!! 

When the kids are younger we tend to take it all for granted. Time goes fast and before we know it they have a life of their own, making their own memories. However, if you’ve done the job right, the sacrifices you’ve made will be rewarded not by what they do for you on Mother’s Day but what they do through the year.  It took me a long time to see that when my kids prosper, it is a direct indication that I’ve raised them correctly.  I mean when they have money they can buy better gifts, right!!

So, to all the mothers out there feeling some kinda way about Mother’s Day and your grown children, take a moment and ask yourself what do you need?  What can you do for yourself to make you feel appreciated? What can you do to show appreciation for the sacrifices you’ve made?  And then do it!! I’ve already decided GIVE ME A SUNRISE!!!

You do not need permission to treat yourself kind.  Have a glass of wine or a cup of tea and enjoy. Knowing you are an awesome MOTHER and amazing WOMAN! You don’t need a holiday to prove it. 

Until Next Time,

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