Are you that person? You know the one that is ALWAYS doing for others! You provide the need before they even ask. You must have a direct connection with some higher power because you know exactly what they need – you can feel the need and quickly jump to fulfill it!!

Girl, stop fooling yourself! You ARE NOT that in tune nor that powerful! You are just being busy! Nosey! Controlling! And seeking attention!

Yep! I said it! And I mean it! Why can I say that? Because I was the same way! I was busy trying to be everything for everyone else, hoping they would turn around and do some of those things for me. And when they didn’t – well, I got mad! Depressed! And SALTY! Like how dare they not do for me when I’m sacrificing and doing so much for them?

You are who you are. You do what you desire because that’s who you are. You have a heart of gold and people just don’t appreciate it.

Well here is the catcher… people don’t appreciate it because you don’t appreciate yourself. Instead of focusing all your attention on what you think others need how about focusing on what you need. Ooops!!

You go over and above and then complain about what you did – are you doing it because you want to or because you want something in return?
You let them borrow money then remind them how you were the only one that helped them out – that’s not helping!
You answer the call in the middle of the night then tell your girlfriend about it the next day – gossiping is not cute!

Instead of focusing on what you think others need, jumping to fill in all their “emptiness” try thinking about what you need.

Are you lonely? Find something to do. Are you tired? Get some rest. Do you lack purpose? Pursue it.

You can’t fill your own tank trying to fill someone else’s — that’s not how it works. Fill your own tank so that you have the resources and ability to help someone else. You should be sowing from abundance not lack. Because believe it or not it will show!

So again, I ask – Are you that person? Dig deep inside and find out what you are lacking it’s probably all the things you are doing for others and complaining about!!!

Until Next Time,

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