As women we are quick to say “I’m a Strong Woman” yet we live lives that do NOT show strength at all. Below is a list of characteristics of a strong woman.  

10 Characteristics of a Strong Woman

  1. She knows what she wants. A strong woman lives with purpose. Each step she makes is designed to get her closer to her goals. She knows she can have anything her heart desires.  
  2. She is financially stable or on her way. A strong woman does not depend on a man to “pay her way”. She understand the quote “God bless the child that has her own”. She strives to keep her finances in order and is always ready for the next opportunity.strength proverb
  3. She is willing to try new things. A strong woman is willing to go the extra mile to get what she wants in life. She will not allow the unknown to keep her from accomplishing her goals. She will ask questions, research data or use “trial and error” to move to the next level.
  4. She does NOT settle. A strong woman states settling is not an option. She understands her worth and is willing to work for what she wants. She will not settle for second best because that is not a part of her character.
  5. She’s understands her past does NOT define her. A strong woman realizes, although there are things in our past that we wish we could erase or forget, these things do not define her they helped shape her into the person she has become.
  6. She realizes her future is in her hands. A strong woman realizes that happiness is a choice and she is responsible for making it her choice. She realizes the road to her dream world has been set before her and she must travel it even if it’s alone.
  7. She is a leader, not a follower. A strong woman will never be found following the crowed. Although she is able to adapt to any situation, she knows how to control a room and change her surroundings to fit her needs.
  8. She understands “NO” is a complete sentence. A strong woman is not afraid to say no and will do it unapologetically. She realizes that saying yes, and not meaning it, will only cause personal regret in the long run.
  9. She is willing to forgive. A strong woman know that holding grudges provides the chains to keep her in bondage. Although she will not excuse your wrongdoing, a strong woman will forgive you realizing forgiveness is something she does for herself not for you.
  10. She looks for ways to improve herself and her surroundings. A strong woman never grows complacent with where she is. She realizes there is ALWAYS room for improvement. She understands that learning increases her worth. She also looks for ways to encourage growth in those around her.

Are you a STRONG WOMAN? 

I’m offering a free coaching consultation to the first 5 women to email me at with your answer – Put- I need to strengthen my life muscles in the subject line.   


Until Next Time, 



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