Sometimes you must take a deep breath, remember who you are and move on! Everyone that crosses your path does not deserve access to you. Maya Angelou said it best, “when a person shows you who they are, believe them”. I say when a person reveals their truth don’t question it, just move on!

I’m not sure if it’s age, maturity, healing or just a DGAF attitude but something has changed over here. I went from that person ALWAYS trying to keep the peace to that person that realizes my own peace is the only thing I can keep. I went from that person that would give you the shirt off my back to that person that realized I don’t like being cold so you can’t have mine, but I will show you how to get one. I went from that person who tried to get you to see my point of view to that person that realizes you cannot change the viewpoint of anyone that does not want to see your side of the story.

I’m no longer willing to justify the actions of people that won’t take accountability for their actions. They revealed their truth and I ain’t questioning it! I’m going to take a deep breath, remember who I am and move on. I suggest you do the same.

There will always be at least one individual that will misinterpret what you say with what you have said or want you to return to the person you used to be. Somebody will attempt to play mind games trying to make you feel bad for giving them what they gave you. Listen!!! Anyone that has a problem with your boundaries is mad because they realize you are NO longer allowing them to reap the benefits of what you have to offer without showing reciprocity.

Girl, take a deep breath!

You have been gasping for air for way too long. You have jumped over backwards to make things work. You have put yourself on the backburner and cut the damn flame OFF! It’s time to re-ignite it.

It’s time to rise up. It’s time to claim your role as CEO of your own life.  You don’t have time to focus on things out of your control. Your assignment is too big. When you focus on things outside of your control, you must take your mind off the things you can control. YOU, your peace, your happiness, and your money. Anything else is outside of your scope of influence.

You cannot give into the problems that affect your bottom line. I know that sounds harsh to the one that is struggling with setting boundaries. BUT, girlfriend, if you don’t make a conscious decision to put your needs before the wants of others, your needs will NEVER be a priority.  You will find yourself eating peanut butter and jelly sandwiches (which is my favorite) while paying for someone else to eat sushi (which I hate). You will be gasping for air while holding the oxygen mask on someone else’s face. You will be building an empire for someone else while daydreaming about your own. NO ma’am.

Remember who you are.

You are the BOSS. You are the CEO of your own life. You make the rules of engagement. You decide who to give access to. You decide how you want the business to run. You decide who you want on your team. You decide who can sit at your table. You decide whose opinion is worthy of your time. You decide if you take a 3-hour lunch or work an all-nighter. Personally, I’m taking the 3-hour lunch because I’ve made sure to accommodate them in my business plan!

I’ve learned the opinion of people that have not walked in my shoes, pay my bills, or been asked to contribute to my thought process, do not get to decide how I show up in my own life. Again, maybe you can pencil this attitude into your own life and that’s your choice. But I promise you this, the person you are jumping through hoops to impress is not worried about how you feel about them.

Girl, take a deep breath, remember who you are and move on.

Yes, I waited to add the last part. Because moving on will be the problem for most of you. You have been groomed and conditioned to stay in situations way too long. You have been taught never to put yourself first because that’s selfish. You were told not to boost or brag. You were told to play nicely and never make someone else cry even if they made you cry. You were taught to share your last. Well, I call bull-ish! I’m tired of trying to pour myself a cup of water from an empty pitcher.  Imagine that! I mean have you ever had your mind set on a glass of juice only to reach into the refrigerator and the container is empty. Man, you walk about disappointed and mad! Well, that’s exactly what you are doing when you put the wants of others before your own needs.

I will be the first to admit, I struggled with moving on. I was a people pleaser. I wanted to be liked. I thought I had to give to receive and give when I received.  I thought my needs were not important. Well again I call bull-ish. The right people will reciprocate your actions. They will want to see you succeed.  They will cheer your success. They will love you the way you love them. They will want to be a part of your team instead of making you feel like you must give up on your dreams because theirs need your attention. Again – these requirements are part of my business plan. If you are not reciprocating, you cannot stay.

It’s time to move on. Move on to bigger things. Move on to better things.  Move on to happier times. Move on to living the life you truly desire. Move on from caring what someone thinks about how you run your business.

Your life is your business, and your business is your life! No one gets to decide what’s in the business plan but you.

Until Next Time,

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