Can you do me a favor? Think about your activities over the last month.  What happened? What did you do? What stands out in your mind? Do you feel excited or anxious? Do you feel empowered or overwhelmed?

Seriously, focus on the emotion you feel about your month. Now, ask yourself, how much time did you spend building YOU? How much time did you spend on your career or your business? (YES, there is a difference!)

When you spend time building YOU, your business or career reaps the benefit! When you spend all your time focusing on your business or career, YOUR body and feelings take a beating! If you don’t take time to invest in yourself, no one else will either.

Now let’s go back to the original questions, what did you do this month? If all you can think about is the contracts you signed, the blogs you wrote, the clients you met with, or the to-do list that sat on your desk, you have missed it. Remember your goal is to give yourself a minimum of 10% of your time each month which equals 3 days. That’s NOT a lot of time but here you are with only THREE days left in the month and you have not invested in you.

What will you do this week that will help you grow as a person? Here are some suggestions:

  • Go for a hike or walk
  • Read or listen to a book
  • Take a hot bath while listening to some soft jazz
  • Have a glass of wine in a pretty flute
  • Sign up for a class that you have always wanted to take
  • Work on a hobby or connect with a social group that caters to your hobby

If you don’t invest in yourself no one else will either. You were NOT created to just work. Your life means more than that. You mean more than that. If all your time is focused on building a career or business, you will not have the capacity needed to run that business effectively.

Until Next Time,

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