Let me say, entrepreneurship is NOT for everyone! Many people that start a business are looking to make quick money, free up their time, trying to solve a problem. If you have started or are thinking about starting a business, I hope you are doing it because you want to solve a problem. Because the other two are myths!

But this post is NOT about starting a business. It’s about being the BOSS – being the boss of your own life. Remember your life is a business; but until you start showing up in your own life as a BOSS, you will continue to live like an employee in it.

Showing up like an employee will have you constantly looking for opportunities to advance someone else’s agenda instead of your own. You will do things based off what others want from you instead of what you need. You will never see what you do as enough because you are comparing it to what someone else has posted on social media. You will not be able to answer the hard questions about why you are doing what you are doing.

However, as a BOSS, you decide what gets your attention, what you invest your time in, how you spend your day. You do the things you enjoy instead of the things you have to do. You know why you are doing the things you do and enjoy doing them. Sounds sweet, huh?

Are you living like a boss or are you living like an employee? If your to do list has more things on it that helps move others forward while you sit in the same spot, you are living like an employee. If your calendar is filled with tasks that someone else could do, you are living like an employee. If you dread waking up because of all the things needing your attention, you are living like an employee. And it’s time to stop.

One of the first things I do when I start working with a client is have them complete a time audit. I need to know how much time is available for their goals. I don’t want to assume they have 5 hours a week to work on their goals, if in essence they only have two. I don’t want to assume they understand the importance of putting themselves on their own to do list. I don’t want to assume they can schedule time to work on the goals we have set up for them. I don’t want to assume anything; I want to see it on paper.

So, I ask you, how did you show up last week? Did you put yourself on your to do list? Did you schedule some self-care last week? Going to get a pedicure is not self-care; that’s maintenance. But I digress. Did you accomplish your weekly goals or did the wants of others monopolize your time?

Outside of knowing how they are using their time; I’ve found most of my clients don’t accept accountability well. And before you jump in your feelings, let me explain. We all are accountable to something. Most of the time it’s the consequences of our choices – I retract that statement WE ARE ACCOUNTABLE TO THE CONSEQUENCES OF OUR CHOICES. You can listen to my latest podcast episode for more information on that.

When you live your life like a business and show up as a boss, you make decisions differently. You will ask yourself the hard questions, prior to committing to anything. You may ask questions like:  Why am I doing this? How will this serve me? How much of me am I willing to devote to this? How much time do I have to devote to this and is there a return on my investment if I do this? Is this going to get me closer to my goals? Am I doing this because I want to or because I feel obligated? We will talk more about showing up as a boss on the next BOSSUP Podcast episode. Make sure you tune it. But for now, I just need you to ask yourself: Am I showing up as a boss or an employee? Am I willing to accept accountability for my choices? Am I making the best choices for me? No one can answer these questions for you, but I will say this if you are feeling overwhelmed or unfulfilled in your life, you probably have employee written on your shirt instead of BOSS.

If you want more of my opinionated ideas about being the CEO of your own life, subscribe to the BOSSUP Podcast where I new episodes every week.  Chat soon!

Until then,

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