Then the LORD said to me, “Write the vision and make it plain. So those that read it can run “. Habakkuk 2:2

Until a few years ago, I used the surfaced version of that scripture WRITE THE VISION, MAKE IT PLAIN but as I began to teach others to craft their own vision, I noticed the latter part, SO THOSE THAT READ IT CAN RUN and something in my soul began to stir.

  • Your vision must inspire.
  • Your vision must motivate others to want to do more.
  • Your vision must be something others want to be a part of.
  • Your vision must be intentional with an intended purpose.
  • Your vision must speak to the heart of a person.
  • Your vision must speak to your heart.
  • Your vision must make people want to RUN and tell someone else.

When I looked at the requirements of what a vision must do, what I had did not measure up. I went back to the drawing board. Now my vision speaks to me and hopefully to others.

My vision is a space where every excuse is met with a solution, where every obstacle becomes a triumph, where every dream becomes a reality and where every woman walks unapologetically in her calling.

Sounds massive and even impossible. But God told me “Plainly write the vision so others will help you accomplish it”.  And He has not fallen back on His promise. I’m so thankful for those that support the vision and continue to make it a reality.

Tina Bailey Online is composed of TWO main parts.

BuildHER Collaboration, a nonprofit providing education, resources and training that support survivors of domestic abuse and sexual trauma. We offer programs designed to help survivors build a NEW foundation, provide a space where women can be part of a sisterhood, and provide training to the community to help them become better advocates for victims.

Tina Bailey Consulting & Coaching is a where the magic happens. This is where the over 25 years of nonprofit work, 15 years of project management, 10 years of coaching and my love for creating, comes together and destroys the excuses and obstacles that keep people stuck in situations that destroy them. This is where I live out my own dreams and keep myself from falling back on the floor. (If you don’t know what I’m referring to go back and read the blog right before this one) This is where all “the things” reside. The courses, the podcast, the books, the programs, the trainings, the workshops, the boot camps, the masterminds. This is the resources. This is the how. The nonprofit is the why!

I don’t have all the answers required to fulfill the vision. It’s too big. But in the words of Iyanla Vanzant, if your dream don’t scare you and make you pee just a little bit, it’s too small. You see, I depend on God and the people He place in my life to make the vision a reality. I also depend on all the lessons I’ve learned over the years to keep the vision plain so others can share it and I can satisfy my promise to God.

Your gift is His gift to you; what you do with it, is your gift to Him.

Write your vision, make it crystal clear and watch others take it and run.

Until Next Time,

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