Over the last few months, I’ve gained some new followers, rebranded myself and my business, and focused my attention on being intentional about what I put out in the atmosphere. Because of that, I wanted to take a moment to introduce myself to some and re-introduce myself to others.

If you are reading this you already know my name is Tina Bailey and I often go by “The Woman for Women” or you may have caught a glimpse of what I call my alter ego that uses the hashtag #shespeaks. You may be following me on social media or stumbled across my podcast, The BOSSUP Podcast. Maybe you read one of my books. Let me drop the links here and here just in case you didn’t know. Maybe someone referred you to me because you are navigating the pain of trauma or abuse or wanting to connect about nonprofit work.  However, you came about I am glad you are here.

A little about me. I am nonprofit strategy consultant, master life coach, empowerment speaker, Amazon bestselling author, content creator, serial entrepreneur, nonprofit founder, podcast host, mother, grandmother, friend — wow – who the heck is this woman? I wear several hats, but I work hard to NOT allow the hats to wear me. Most days I’m successful; the days I’m not so successful lands me on the phone with my therapist, drinking a glass of wine (just one) or writing out my frustrations in my journal.

I’m finally at the point where I don’t take life so seriously. I love those moments when I walk past the mirror and catch myself smiling for no reason at all because there was a period when I didn’t have a smiles to share. I was broken, lonely and sad. And that’s being extremely conservative. Y’all I was depressed and taking medication to manage it. Those days it was everything I could just to get out of the bed and take care of my kids. I was addicted to food and considered myself a food addict. I was constantly bingeing and slowly killing myself. I was a people pleaser seeking validation through the eyes of someone incapable of giving it. Few people saw this side of me because I hid all my pain behind a mask. When I went out in public, the smile big and bright. I knew how to play the role and I played it well. That is until I hit rock bottom and almost died because of stress. That was ONE of my wake-up calls. But with a strong support group, therapy, and prayer, I made it through with lots of lessons to share with others.

This blog is a collaboration of all the lessons I learned. My hope is to ALWAYS lead you back to being authentic and making yourself a priority in your own life. One of my favorite quotes is, “A man without a vision is a man without a future. A man without a future will always return to his past.” There is NOTHING in my past that I want, so I had to create a vision.  I will do a separate blog about that vision,  how I started my businesses and how they work together to build women and keep me moving forward. But for this one I just wanted to say HEY! I just wanted to give you a quick glimpse at the person you see in your inbox or social media or the voice behind the microphone. She’s a force to be reckoned with but committed to the work of building women.

Until Next Time,

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