I recently facilitated a class in the BOSS UP Society. We discussed the four pillars of being a BOSS. The first pillar is BOLD. As a BOSS, you must make bold choices and take bold risk to achieve the goals you’ve set for yourself and your business.  Being timid and unsure of yourself can cost you money, clients, and time.  Although opportunity is frequent, the window of execution is small. You don’t have a lot of time to decide on how to move forward when building your empire. Waiting too long could cost you a major contract or client. Any sales or marketing course will tell you must strike while the fire is hot. People change their minds quickly if you don’t.  It’s very similar in life. If you wait too long, you lose momentum and confidence in your own abilities. You can also talk yourself out of going after the things you desire.

When I asked the group to look at the list of characteristics and choose one area, they need to show more boldness, it amazed me that many of the ladies stated they struggled with “celebrating their accomplishments”. Bold women celebrate their accomplishments!

How often do you take the time to celebrate your accomplishments?

Probably not often! We tend to dwell on our challenges instead of our successes. We often look at what we don’t have instead of what we do have. We penalize ourselves for what we didn’t accomplish instead of rewarding what we did accomplish.

Think about your highly coveted to-do list. If feels good to cross an item off as completed but after it’s completed, you never think about it again. BUT you do focus your attention on the things left on the list, often moving them to the next day’s to-do list. It’s never ending!

I need you to stop doing that! Instead of try these tips:

  1. Celebrate the things you marked off. I mean really celebrate them. You did more than the average person. You accomplished a goal you set for yourself. Many will set a goal and never attempt to accomplish it. But you did!
  2. Reframe from adding the remaining items to a new list. Unless you just didn’t have time to do them, they probably weren’t as important as you though they were, or you would have prioritized them in the first place.
  3. Prioritize your list. When you create your to-do list, start with the things you know you NEED to do, then tackle the things you don’t want to do but need to do, then remove everything else! When those removed items become something you NEED to do, you will do them. Until then, they are only causing you stress and anxiety.

Being Bold and showing up in your boldness requires you to make intentional steps with your time, your energy and your mental capacity. You have been living life at warp speed and it’s catching up with you. It’s not about how much you get done but the quality of being able to enjoy what you are doing. Over the last couple of months, many of my clients have been struggling with anxiety and feelings of being overwhelmed. It’s not because their lives have become more hectic, it’s because they have been forced to slow down and they don’t know how to deal with the new pace of life.

You don’t have to be superwoman all the time. You can take your cape off without feeling as if you have done something wrong. You can take a moment to exhale and enjoy the fruit of your labor. We have been told, “You are only as good as your last accomplishment”. Well if you are not enjoying the things you have accomplished, what is the point in doing them?

For me 2023 is all about doing things that make me happy. It’s all about being intentional about what and who gets my time, energy and money. It’s all about things that make me feel good about me. It’s about things that excite me. It’s about things that remind me of how amazing I am. It’s all about things that allow me to show up in my own life as a BOSS. If you don’t take the time to celebrate who you are, don’t get mad when others don’t either.

Until Next Time,

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