Change is inevitable but growth is optional! Jack C. Maxwell

Maxwell said it better than I ever could! Change is going to happen whether you like it or not. But everyone will NOT grow through the change. We saw many changes occur during 2020, yet there are still a lot of things that remain the same. We are still battling COVID-19. We are still seeing people mistreated because of the color of their skin. We are still seeing babies left on the side of the road. We are still judging people for who they love and how they use their bodies. We are still seeing women paid significantly lower than their male counterparts. We are still hearing how women are supposed to support their man even when he is toxic. We are still forcing children to have a relationship with people who have mishandled them, neglected them or abused them. We are still seeing women blamed for staying in an abusive relationship instead supported her attempts to leave. We are still shaming women on what they wore instead of punishing the man that raped them. We are still giving a time limit to how someone deals with pain instead of support while they do. But things have changed, right!

Most of my clients are women that have overcome trauma or are struggling with transitioning into a new phase of life because they have been forced into a “change” they did not ask for! They are having to create a new norm. A forced change is harder than a change that you want to happen.  

Unfortunately although change is inevitable, growth is not! Many times, we become comfortable in the chaos. We know what to expect and what not to expect. We adjust. We accommodate the pain. We begin to believe this is the best it can be. We avoid disruption.  We avoid upsetting the norm at all cost. But can we be honest and say, we are just comfortable! Even though it hurts, it’s our hurt! It’s our pain! It’s part of who we are!

But is pain really what we want? Is pain what we desire? Is the pain worth it? I’m sitting here myself yelling “HELL NO!” while dealing with the fact I have made some adjustments to accommodate things I’m not happy with.

Which leads me to this brick.

Our resistance and unwillingness to step out of our comfort zone is the result of us refusing to do so. It’s hard to swallow; but if we don’t make a change knowing a change is necessary, we are refusing an opportunity to grow! Because if we want significant change, nothing would stop us. If we really wanted the pain to end, we would do whatever it takes to make it stop. The problem is the pain has not become painful enough. When we get tired of being tired. When we are done lying to ourselves and trying to convince ourselves that it’s not that bad, things will change. When we stop sitting around hoping for change instead doing something about it, that’s when the growth will happen. Some things require you losing in order to gain. Change is not enough! In this day and time, we need GROWTH!

Growth requires you to break the bond you have made to being comfortable. Change is going to happen whether we want it to or not. But growth is going to require a little work! No, it’s going to require a LOT of work. It will require you to break the attachment you have with your comfort zone. It will require to create a new norm. It will require you to stop making excuses. It will require you to focus! I will require YOU TO CHANGE!

In order to achieve the goals you truly desire, you must command your mind to align with your aspirations. You cannot achieve anything that your mind cannot see you accomplishing. The change you are looking for, requires you to be uncomfortable. It requires you to not only step out of your comfort zone but destroy the bridge that leads you back to it. It requires you to say YES to yourself and NO to your fears. It requires you to cut ties with anything that caters to person you no longer want to be. It requires you to do the things that scare the hell out of you and reach towards the Eden you desire! You can do this. I believe in you. You can have everything you desire but first you must break the bond you have with comfort!

Until Next Time


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