I have always used words to paint a picture of what goes on in my head; however, difficult and controversial topics tend to cause my words to swell up in my throat and leave me gasping for air.
After years of sitting quiet, I intentionally strive to make my voice relevant and impactful while trying hard to not offend anyone. I was told my passiveness was a result of PTSD. Possibly. But I also believe it’s a result of an extensive battle of traumatic life experiences, people pleasing and just wanting to be liked. I never wanted my words to offend another or cause harm because I knew firsthand what that felt like. I thought by staying in the middle lane and unbiased, I was handling things the right way. I’m now learning that just isn’t the case. There is NO middle lane when it comes to controversial topics and some people are not going to see your viewpoint. But you MUST give it. You must choose a side. You cannot allow fear of being rejected silence your voice.
This blog has always been about women finding their voice and speaking truth in all situations and circumstances. As our country fights two Pandemics – COVID-19 and racism, I find myself a bit overwhelmed by it all. I normally withhold a lot of my viewpoints while giving those who appear to be better equipped and articulate the floor. I now realize I was just doing what I always do and staying safe out of fear of rejection.
Earlier this week in my private Facebook group I made a post, and someone commented that it offended them. So, I deleted it. OH, how I regret doing so! Not because it’s MY page. Not because she removed herself from the group even after I deleted the post but because it was an example that everyone is not going to co-sign on your beliefs and it’s okay. I had another situation this week were I gave my voice to someone that appeared to be struggling to use hers. Again, I could have lost some supporters. BUT I vowed a pledge to be a voice for the voiceless and if they walk away, they are not my people.
The old me would have sat quiet or tried to help them see my point of view. The NEW me realizes people are entitled to their own opinion and can choose who they want to connect with. I also realize that everyone is not going to like me or my thoughts and that is okay.
Why I am I saying this? Most people that will read this blog struggle with wanting to be heard and more importantly wanting to be liked. Let me clear something once and for all. EVERYONE IS NOT GOING TO LIKE YOU! and that is not your problem. Liking your self – NOW that IS your problem and your responsibility! Your voice matters. Your thoughts matter. YOU MATTER!
This week our theme was “Standing Out in The Crowd!” It always amazes me how I choose topics months in advance and by the end of the month I have a new perspective on what they actually means. They force me to grow. They force me to STAND a little taller.
This week has been no different. I’ve learned some hard truths.
- You cannot be a leader afraid to speak up.
- You cannot manifest a life you love sitting in the corner hoping it happens.
- You cannot be the voice you desire allowing fear to overrule you.
- You cannot be consumed when others don’t agree with your viewpoint.
As we close yet another week of fighting two vast and life changing Pandemics, it’s important for you to decide what side will you reside on and more be willing to stand up for what you believe. It’s time to Stand Out in the Crowd and let your voice be heard.
Until Next Time,