Psalm 10:16-18

Babies are trusting. They haven’t been corrupted by society and sin.

Children are resilient. Even though they have been exposed to bad behaviors, if caught in time, the effects can be altered.

Adults; however, because of society, personal behaviors and hardheartedness, tend to lose hope in the world, self even God.

Yet this passage reminds us that God gives strength to the humble and the oppressed. When it seems, He’s turned His eye to all the horrible things going on in the world, remember God sees all and He will vindicate and obtain justice. I wish I had the answers to why things were the way they are. I wish I could make us all get along. I wish I could do away with pain, abuse, and any other misconduct. I wish I could but I can’t. But I believe God will. He will take care of those that are inflicting it and those who are enduring it. We must believe that. It is that belief that will give you strength to continue. That belief will give us strength to keep going. The Lord is King forever and ever! He reigns!

Let’s seek God and trust Him to see us through the turmoil.

Until Next Time,


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