Hey Girl Hey! It’s time to transform your life from chaotic to harmonious.  Grab you a cup of coffee or wine depending on when you are reading this post and let’s dive into creating some morning and evening routines. These routines will help you conquer your day and become the ultimate CEO of your life.

Why Routines Matter:

In the grand symphony of life, routines are the maestros that orchestrate harmony. For Boss CEOs like you, a meticulously crafted routine is not just a to-do list; it’s a roadmap to success. It’s about mastering your day, reclaiming your time, and propelling yourself toward greatness.

CEO Mindset in Every Move:

Ever wondered why the most successful CEOs seem to have it all together? It’s not magic; it’s a mindset. Embrace the CEO within you, making intentional decisions, prioritizing tasks, and setting the tone for success. Your life is your business, and you’re the Boss – act like it!

Mindset is everything. If you believe you can, you will. If you believe you can’t, you won’t! Just that simple. The moment you say you cannot do something is the moment your mind begins to think of all the reasons why it cannot happen. But as soon as you get “permission”, you begin to look for ways to make sure it happens. Now is the time to give yourself permission. You don’t need anyone’s permission to live our life however you want to!

Mastering Your Morning:

I will be the first to say, establishing a morning routine was hard. Not because I’m not a morning person, but because prior to creating my routine, I would get distracted by all the “things” that needed my attention. It became overwhelming and I ended up doing NOTHING. So I changed that! Now I kickstart my morning by taking time for ME!

My day now starts with a purpose, which looks like this. I use the first hour of my morning to love myself. I start with a prayer asking God to help me be an example of Him today. I make my bed – assuring I accomplish at least one task for the day. I blast my music to set the tone for how I want my day to go. Right now, it’s Christmas music other days it may be gospel or even some upbeat hip hop. I’ve learned music fuels my soul and some days my soul needs a little Tamela Mann and other days it needs Tupac!  I grab a cup of tea and journal about whatever I woke up with on my mind. Maybe it was a dream. Maybe it was a strategy I want to create. Maybe it’s a scripture or quote. I’ve learned to get that out first or it will distract me all day. The final step in my morning routine is to pull out my brain dump from the night before (you will see this in a moment). I look at the two things at the top of my list and create a visual image of those things being completed. I make a mental note of how I will feel once they are complete which sets my mindset and fuels my why. Now that I am aware of my purpose for the day, I turn my thoughts back to ME repeating one of two mantras Today, I am the CEO of my life. I will conquer it like the boss I am. OR I don’t beg, I don’t chase. I attract. What’s created for me will find me effortlessly. Determined to move forward with a BOSS mindset, I move forward with what I planned to accomplish for the day.

Empowered Evenings

Before I leave my office for the evening (I work from home), I take a deep breath, signifying the end of my day. It’s time to reset. It’s time to appreciate the things I accomplished for the day regardless of how big or how small. I’ve learned to be appreciative of the efforts I made because there was a time when I would have laid in my bed and cried all day. I ask myself a few questions: What did I learn today? What did I conquer today? What could I have done better? Then I make a conscious decision to do better tomorrow. This is the brain dump I talked about earlier.  I ask myself the following questions: Was there anything I wish I had accomplished, and I didn’t? Were there things on my to do list that I didn’t even consider tackling? Do those things need to be removed from my list? Because clearly, they may not be as important as I thought they were! Then I write down two things I want to complete the next day. These are the items that I use to create a mindset of purpose the next morning. Remember the CEO mindset does not rest; it strategizes for tomorrow’s victories.

Lastly before I turn in for the night, I do a quick check in. I ask myself two simple questions: Did I make myself proud? Did I stay true to my purpose? If I answered yes to those questions, I’m good. If I say NO, I realize there is probably a boundary I need to set. Maybe it’s from within. Maybe it’s setting a boundary for someone or something that needs to be demoted or terminated from my life. I, then, pray and ask God to give me courage and strength to not only set that boundary but to implement that boundary.

CEOs are not afraid to set boundaries. It is not about being rigid; it’s about respecting your time and energy. Learn to say ‘No’ when needed, delegate like a pro, and protect the CEO asset- you!

Remember one of the pillars in the BossUP program is being strategic! Strategy is your secret weapon to conquering challenges and unlocking your full potential. This powerhouse program is designed for women like you – those making an impact in their community and in the lives of those they love. It’s not just a program; it’s your roadmap to CEO-level decision-making.

You’re not just navigating life; you’re orchestrating it. Through empowering routines, a CEO mindset, and the BossUp program, you’re claiming your place at the helm. Morning routines for women are essential in assuring an empowered life. Ending your day with an empowering evening routine creates space for you to thrive and step away from the chaos. Routines help to create a CEO life management system. Share the wisdom, subscribe for more BossUp insights, and remember – you’re the CEO of your life.


Until next time, keep BossingUp!

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