We are often told “embrace the skin you are in, and you will begin to love the skin you are in!” Okay maybe that’s just my philosophy.

For years I struggled trying to fit in. I even spoke about it in my first book “What You’re Hiding is Hindering Your Blessing”. I felt like a square trying to enter a round world. Regardless how much I tried, I was either too big and parts of me didn’t fit or too small and parts of me weren’t enough.

Today, I can honestly say whether I fit in the circle or not, I enjoy who I see in the mirror and that’s what really matters.  Do I feel comfortable in my skin every day? No, I DO NOT! There are days I compare myself to the woman that appear to have the perfect work/life balance. I compare myself to the woman that seems very organized in her business endeavors and can land the ideal client without much effort. I compare myself to the woman that can lose weight and keep it off. I compare myself to the woman that don’t question herself all the time. I compare myself to the woman that can grow flowers.

But I NEVER dismiss the work I’ve done. I NEVER forget how far I have come. When I think of the person I was, I get depressed and wonder, “how did I live such a docile and unproductive life”. How could I have always seen the glass as half empty. How could I have never thought what I did was enough. I use the word NEVER and ALWAYS because that was exactly how I viewed the situation – absolute. I was NEVER enough.  The only time I look back is to see how far I have come. Because sitting in that depressive scenario is a sure-fire way of returning.

By now you all know one of my favorite quotes is by PK Bernard. “A man without a vision is a man without a future. A man without a future will always return to his past. Returning to my past is not an option. My past represents everything I no longer desire to be so, I must keep my vision in front of me.

Society will have you constantly comparing yourself to those around you. Remember your only competition is the person you see in the mirror.  If you don’t like what you see, you can always change it. It’s when you embrace who you are that you can begin to love the person you see. And when you love the person you see, you will not allow anyone to put you in a position that causes you to doubt who you are again.

Loving others require you to start with loving yourself! Because until you love the person you see in the mirror, you will always be looking for someone else to tell you the things you need to tell yourself.

You are beautiful. You are enough. You are worthy. You are valuable. You are victorious.

You are a BOSS!

Until Next Time,


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