Do you find yourself thinking about the past or maybe even the future? Does thinking about the future scare you? Do thinking about the past you make you sad? Or maybe when you think about the old you, you think what happened? Where did I go wrong? Why did I do things that way? Why did I stay engaged in those situations so long? What made me think the way I did? Why didn’t I do this or why didn’t I do that? Do you compare where you are NOW to where you thought you should have been or where someone else is?


You were doing the best you could with what you had at the moment. Some of us were living in survival mode. We were truly trying to make it to the next day without losing our mind. We were trying to raise a family without instructions.  We were trying to navigate a life without a roadmap. We were working jobs to pay the bills not for enjoyment. We were entangled in relationships that we thought would eventually give us a return on our investment. You get the picture. You were doing the best you could at the moment.

One of my favorite quotes is by Maya Angelou – When you know better do better. NOW, you know better. Now you have a better understanding of what you want and what you don’t want. Live in that. Live a life that you can love and stop spending time trying to figure out how to navigate through a life that you no longer want to be a part of.  BUT how, Tina? Glad you asked. Decide! Decide that you deserve the life you want. Decide that you will make yourself a priority. That you will put yourself on your to-do list. That you will finally give yourself the love you give so freely to others. Once you live into this practice, you will stop making excuses for why you want something and create a plan to obtain it. No one has the ability to stop your plans but you. Read that again!

There is NOTHING on this earth too good for you. Everything you desire in life is obtainable; if you are willing to put in the work to obtain it.

I have seen clients write goals and once they begin to see them come to light, they run the other way. WHY? Change is scary. Change requires you to jump out of your comfort zone. Change demands you to do things you aren’t used to doing. Change requires you to make decisions. Changes requires you be honest with yourself. Change makes you see yourself differently. Change requires you to see others differently. Change makes you stop blaming others and look at what part you played. Change requires doing something different in order to get what you truly want.

Are you ready for a change? Are you ready to move out of your comfort zone? Are you ready to do better? Are you ready to live a life that YOU created? Are you ready? Are you ready to thrive and stop just surviving? If so, I encourage you to take out your journal and write a declaration to yourself. Write a promise to yourself.  Declaring your intentions, brings them to life. Place it somewhere you can see daily. Put it right in front of your face. And each day, decide you will do better than you did yesterday! That’s it…. Just do better than you did yesterday.

If you would like help moving forward in this journey, reach out to me. I know how hard letting go of the past can be, but I also know how liberating letting go of the past is.

Until Next Time,

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