Nobody could have told me ten years ago, when I was sitting on the floor of my bedroom crying my eyes out that one day I would look back and declare it one of the best days of my life. NO ONE could have told me that! Yet here I am thanking God that “He worked it out for my good”.

Sitting on that floor I remember declaring “my life was over!” Those words couldn’t have been more prophetic if God himself had said them. I had just found out my husband was having another affair. My heart was broken. We had been down this road before and “I” was still trying to mend that pain. “I” was determined to move forward and put my family back together. “I” thought things were going pretty good and there we were again, in the same situation. I couldn’t understand it.

Didn’t “I” matter? Didn’t the kids matter? What would people say? How would “I” explain this? How would “I” cover this up? Why had God allowed this to happen to “me” again? He wouldn’t put more on me than I could bear, right? Then why did it feel like I was going to die under the pressure of all this pain. I didn’t know how to be a single parent. I didn’t want to be a single parent! But there I was looking at a picture of my family with tears rolling down my face knowing that was about to be my life.

That day was one of my rock bottom points (oh there were many and I’m sure there will be more as God molds me into what He wants me to be). I found myself in a place where all I could do was look up and call out to God. All I could do was depend on him. This was all new to me and not only did I not know what to do, I didn’t know who I could turn to for help.

But now I can look back and say “ALL things work together for the good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose”. You see that day “life as I knew it was over”.  that was the day God started revealing my purpose to me – I just didn’t know it.  That was the day He started removing the covers from my eyes. That was the day He opened my heart so I could draw closer to Him. That was the day I stopped looking for other’s to fulfill happiness in my life. Now if I had of been God, I would have handled it differently. I would have never put me through that kind of pain (who am I kidding, I had to go through it again before it finally registered). Thank God I’m not God!!!

So, when you find yourself in that place where all hell is breaking loose in your life and you feel like you can’t go any further, remember God has a way of turning it around. What you are going through is preparing you for your greater. It is just a line in your testimony. Watch God make it good. Watch God make you better because of it.

Until Next Time,

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