My life is NOT perfect, far, far from it! But God has brought me through so much that I trust him with my life!

Do I get scared sometimes? Heck yeah! But my fears come from wanting to please God and making sure my intentions are right.
Do I ever feel like giving up? Yeap! And have! I remember telling God, “I’m not doing this anymore I quit!” I found myself sitting in front of my computer crying as He poured into me
Do I ask “why me?” Not anymore LOL Oddly enough I’ve learned to trust it must be a purpose for it.
Do I wish there could have been another way? YES I do! I wouldn’t wish that pain on anyone!
Was there warning signs? Yes! God showed me time after time and I was determined to have things my way. Well I learned you can’t say yes to God and do it your way.
Do I cry at night? Sometimes! Big crocodile tears but God comforts me!
Did I fail? Nope! I’m who I am because of it. I comfortably feel I gave everything I had to give.
Would I do it again? HECK NO! I have learned my lesson and don’t have to take that test again.
Would I change anything? Yes! I would have listened the first time!
Do I blame myself? NO – I don’t blame anyone! Everything happens for a reason.

Best advice I would give: Stop looking for life to provide you the perfect environment. It’s not going to happen. But what you will find is as you walk on those difficult roads, your purpose will be revealed. It’s in those moments where you feel all alone that you can hear God the clearest (there’s no distractions). There is no perfection on this earth! Once you accept that, you will learn to embrace life and all that happens as you grow! You pick up the pieces that matter and move forward. Read all about it here (well sort of).

Until Next Time,

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