Do you remember the Arsenio Hall Show? I loved the “things that make you go hmmm” segment.  This week has been one of those weeks for our nation. All the senseless shootings and gas limitations. It makes you wonder what’s going on.

You see, I am not one of those super saints – I got questions. I know God will never put more on us than we can bare. I know there is a lesson in this somewhere. According to the bible these are signs of the end of time.  I got ALL of that.  I know we will never know the answer to everything that happens.

But when people are being killed by those that have vowed to protect them. When children are being killed by the person who helped bring them into the hmmmworld. When young girls are found lying in the street and NO one seems to know what happened. It makes you wonder what in the world is really going on.

Well I don’t have the answer! I know my heart hurts behind it all. I know it makes me pray a little longer. I know it makes me call and check on my children more often. I know it makes me immediately pick up the phone and call someone that cross my mind. It makes me not take life for granted. It makes me remember tomorrow is not promised. It makes me appreciate what I have instead of focusing on what I don’t. It makes me work harder to forgive someone that has hurt me. I makes me want better instead of settling for mediocre. It makes me love a little harder. It makes me a little more compassionate. It makes me seek ways of understanding instead of letting it just be.

So with everything going on, could this be a time when God is trying to get us to focus on the things that matter instead of the superficial things of the world? Is He trying to get us to live a life of forgiveness and unconditional love? Maybe He is trying to draw us closer to Him when things just don’t make sense.  I’m not saying God is causing all these things to happen (in fact I know He’s not) – what I am saying is He promised to make good out of all things and I have to believe in His promises. There has to be something good that comes out of this mess.

HMMMM… People are becoming more aware of their surroundings. People are looking into history to see where all this hatred actually stemmed from. People are holding their families closer. People are conserving their resources. People are becoming more compassionate to their brothers and sisters. People are standing in support of what they believe. But there has to be more.

Will people truly seek God for answers? Will we begin to pray more? Will we begin to love more? There has to be something not just good but great that comes out of all this pain… but what will it be? What do you think? Do you have any ideas of what we are to learn from this? Share your thoughts I’d love to hear what you have to say.

Until Next Time,

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