Do thoughts of the future scare you? Do the inability to know what tomorrow holds keep you up at night? Have you ever wondered if you made the right decision? Or maybe you focus on what someone may be saying about you?  Some people become so consumed with their thoughts that they become overwhelmed and even paralyzed.

Fear has a way of controlling you physically and mentally.  Some people get so consumed by their fears that they have panic or anxiety attacks.  I’ve actually witness someone experiencing an attack and it’s not very pretty. They were shaking, sweating, and gasping for air. They began grabbing their chest saying their heart was racing.  It was quite scary if you ask me.  It’s definitely not something I care to experience again.

More and more people are suffering from the anxiety, causing many to take medicines to control symptoms associated with it. It’s easy to find therapist and/or coaches that focus on helping people deal with anxiety. Special exceptions are made for people who have been diagnosed with an anxiety disorder. And to those who have ever experienced an attack, it’s real. It’s scary and it’s difficult to deal with.

But what is anxiety? I mean we hear about people having attacks. We’ve heard of people hyperventilating to the point they lose consciousness or pass out. But what is it exactly?

I was listening to a scope about anxiety and it got me to thinking. So what does Tina do when she start thinking – she does research! Anxiety is defined as a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease.  It typically occurs when there is an event or there is an uncertainty about the outcome of a situation. Now let’s break that down in everyday language.

Anxiety is a feeling that happens when you are scared of what may happen in the future.

Wow!! There is so much I want to say about this but I’m going to keep it to the minimum.

  • Anxiety is a feeling. Y’all know my take on feelings.  They are controlled by YOU!! So that means you can control it.  Now it takes practice. It takes determination. It also takes time to master that control. But you can control it because it is a feeling. You are the only one that can control how you feel about something.woman stressed2
  • Anxiety happens when you are scared. The bible clearly states “God did not give us a spirit of fear (2 Timothy 1:7). So where did it come from. Fear is an emotion. Sometimes fear keeps us from walking into situations that can cause us harm but then there are times, it hinders us from walking into the blessings God has for us.
  • Anxiety focuses on the future. It is not our job to focus on tomorrow. When we focus on tomorrow we lose valuable time. Time to accomplish what we are supposed to do TODAY. You cannot control tomorrow so why waste time dwelling on it? Therefore; do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself (Matthew 6:34).

Okay, so now what? You told me what anxiety is but why did I really need to know this? You see you will never be able to walk in your purpose focusing on your fears.  The enemy wants you to focus on the things that will hinder you from moving forward. That being said, when you apply attention to fear, it has a way of growing. Fear grows into anxiety and will destroy you. Remember whatever you water will grow.

The bible gives specific instructions on how to deal with anxiety (fear). Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:6-7) HUH????

  • DON’T BE AFRAID – Make a decision that you are not going to fear the unknown. Focus on the things you can control not the things you CANNOT! Remember God has your back, your front and your sides!!
  • PRAY – I know! But you have to learn to refocus your attention – what better way than having a talk with God to do just that. Remember He created you so He knows what you need.
  • PRAY with supplication – Supplication means an earnest specific request. Deliberately asking God for what you desire expecting an answer and a result. If you are fearful, ask God to remove it. If you can’t sleep ask God to help you. Ask SPECIFICALLY for what you desire.
  • BE THANKFUL – It is hard to focus on “what is NOT” and “what is” at the same time. You are a child of the most high so why are you focusing on what others “say” you are. They really don’t know who you are anyway.
  • SEEK PEACE – Get quiet. Get in a peaceful place physically and mentally. Surround yourself with positive, peaceful people. Get rid of the negative things in your life. Remember you mimic what’s around you.
  • LISTEN – God will send you instruction. He will speak to your heart and to your mind. But it will be hard for you to hear if you are not listening for His voice.

We all get scared some times. In all honest, if you never had a fear, that would concern me. It’s really a part of nature. It’s normal. The thing is don’t let your fears become bigger than God. Be anxious for nothing. Allow the things that concern you, become the things that inspire you. Every trial in your life can become a part of your testimony. What you see as mess, God can use as a message. You just have to be willing to let him.

Until Next Time,

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